Hi, everyone! Welcome to Books on Tour. I am Rosa, a Spaniard living in Germany. Yes, why not?
Even before I decided to study English Philology at University, I had been crazy for books, especially those in English and preferably the ones which have been travelling around the world for decades, the Books which are on Tour…those are my favourite.
At University I specialized in Literature, most specifically in American Literature, which is my number one passion.
After working at different jobs which had nothing to do with what I studied, moving to another country and starting a new life, I began to feel that something was still missing. The books were still calling me so I decided to start this big adventure.
My goal is to share my passion for “vintage books” with whoever wants to join me. So if you are like me and you would like to discover new writers or new books from your beloved authors, you can go to the Instagram account of Books on Tour to see all the lovely vintage books we have there for you on stock to offer.
In this website you can also have a look at the “Quick Reviews” where you can read posts about the recent books I read and you can have a look at “In-depth reviews” about the Classics, which is my favourite genre, as well as consult the Literary Calendar to see which author was born on a certain date or when a book was published.
So take a look around, gossip a little bit about who are my favourite writers and books.
I hope you enjoy. Thank you,